Office Hours
Our Palos Heights office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Our Chicago (Rush) office is open Monday and Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please call 708.385.6710 (Palos Heights) or 312.563.9389 (Chicago) during office hours to schedule an appointment. Should an emergency arise outside of office hours, we do have a 24-hour answering service available at 708.385.6710.
We do have a 24 hour answering service at either number which is accessible at the end of the automated message. Please remain on the line to speak with an operator.
Make Appointment
We are aware that your time is valuable to you. We strive to run our schedules on time although occasionally an emergency will delay us. We ask that you please arrive 15 minutes before your appointed time to allow time for administrative tasks. If, for any reason, you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible so that we may accommodate other patients waiting to be seen.
If this is your first appointment, we find it is most helpful to prepare for your visit ahead of time as this will ultimately save you time in the long run.
Out of Network
Please note that we are OUT-OF-NETWORK. As a courtesy to you, we will submit all claims to your insurance and you will be reimbursed directly.
What to bring to your first visit:
- Completed demographic and history forms
- Request for previous records
- Current photo ID
- Current insurance card
Please assist us by bringing the following to your appointment:
Contact information for the physician who is sending you to our office:
In order to provide comprehensive care, we will report back to the physician who sent you to our office. To assist us, please provide this physician's name, address, and telephone number.
Current insurance cards and a photo ID:
In order to provide comprehensive care, we will report back to the physician who sent you to our office. To assist us, please provide this physician's name, address, and telephone number.